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WE DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THEATRE! WILL THIS BE SOMETHING WE CAN DO?Yes, PLACES, PLEASE! Let's Put On A Show boxes are a step-by-step acting curriculum that anyone can do. There are many resources provided to support someone new to the art of theatre. You will receive access to instructional videos for each of the lessons in the curriculum. The director's script includes a four-week calendar to walk you day by day through the process of putting on your play for an audience. In addition, there is a Pinterest board with resources specific to each script. We also have a Facebook group for families who would like to share their ideas and see what others are doing.
HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE REQUIRED TO PUT ON A PLACES, PLEASE! PLAY?Most of the scripts can be performed by 3-6 characters. The role of the director can be an individual or one of the actors or the whole cast. In some families, parents take one or two of the roles. This provides hours of family fun and interaction! These plays were originally designed for siblings, friends and neighborhood children to get together and put on a play. They are a great addition to any homeschool as a way to learn how to act in your own home.
SOME OF MY CHILDREN ARE NOT AT READING LEVEL YET. CAN THEY PARTICIPATE?Yes! Have your children who can read memorize their lines. Your younger children can “ad lib” their lines.
ARE ALL COSTUMES AND PROPS PROVIDED IN THE BOX?No. There are generally four pieces provided. You will receive a list of other costume pieces and props that you can find around your house. Our Pinterest board has links to ideas on other costume and props ideas.


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